Hawser [125]

Attributes: [122]

ST 14[40]HP 15 [2]
DX 13[60]Per 10 [0]
IQ 10[0]Will 11 [5]
HT 12[20]FP 12 [0]

basic speed 6.00 [-5]
Move 6 [0]

Greatsword (16): 2d6+3 Cut
Greatsword (16): 1d6+3 Imp
Longbow (14): 1d6+2 Imp

Dodge: 9
Parry (Greatsword): 11

Disadvantages: [-49]
Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]
Chummy [-5]
Gluttony (CR 12) [-5]
Slow Riser [-5]
Selfless (CR 12) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Friends and Companions) [-5]
Honesty [-10]
Spoken Language Only [-3]
Overweight [-1]

Advantages: [18]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Charisma 1 [5]
Signature Gear (Big Sword) [2]
Penetrating Voice* [1]


Two-Handed Sword
16 DX+3
Bow 14 DX+1 [4]
14 DX+1
12 DX-1
Riding (Camel)
12 DX-1
Animal Handling (Camel)
9 IQ-1 [1]
Survival (Desert)
9 Per-1 [1]
Intimidation** 12 Will+1 [4]
Carousing** 14 HT+2 [4]
First Aid
11 IQ+1 [2]


  • ST14 Longbow ($200, 3 lbs)
  • Big Sword (Thrusting Broadsword, $900, 3 lbs)
  • Shoulder Quiver with 10 arrows ($30, 1.5 lbs)
  • Leather Armor ($100, 10 lbs)
  • 1 man tent ($50, 5 lbs)
  • Personal Basics ($5, 1 lb)
  • $615 in coin


Hawser is an oversized guard with a oversized smile and a oversized blade. He got into the business to keep people safe and that's what he intends to do. Hawser is a dangerous warrior, and he cuts an imposing figure... he wins a lot of fights with nothing more than a steady gaze down at his smaller foes. He does require a lot of food and is a little lazy in the morning. He has a fine sense of camaraderie, and is quick to make friends. His desert experience is minimal: he relies on others to deal with getting him to the fight.  

*Penetrating Voice gives +3 to be heard over noise.

**Charisma will provide a +1 in many situations

Hawser is broadly based on the "Brute" template from DF15: Henchmen

a "Hawser" is a heavy class of rope found aboard a ship.


  1. He has 54 points of disads, and $1900 of gear and cash. These might be wrong.

    1. Oh, Signature Gear. I don't use those metagame things so I always forget about them.

    2. Selfless should be -5, not -10. I fixed it, and brought the PDF into alignment (it didn't have gluttony and slow riser). Thank you for catching that!
