Thursday, October 26, 2023

House Alacapa

This is more Psi-Wars content, about the Maradonian House that rules Highlun. Its based on material by Mailanka on his blog and the Psi-Wars Wiki.

House Alacapa is a Maradonian house ruling over a a collection of backwater worlds. While lacking in any title beyond "Baron", the house controls several of those. Alacapans are famous for finding new planets and space routes. Many of their worlds were discoverd this way and transformed from backwater nowheres into moderately valuable holdings. Other houses often find these holdings petty, and members of the house to be rough and occasionally a little eccentric. The most controversial title of all is Baron of the Iron Fleet. The Iron Fleet is not a planet, but a mercenary outfit staffed and controlled by House Alacapa, but funded by its outside contracts.

House Alacapa produces a large number of redheads, but brown hair or blond hair are not uncommon. Whatever the hair color, it is voluminous and spirited. The men grow full bushy beards with ease, and the women have thick curly locks. They are often large and physically imposing, and their voices are noted for being deep and striking.

House Alacapa is famous for producing sets of siblings who all go on to do something notable at the same time. This might be stages of a difficult and arduous project, or it could be fighting on two different sides of  war. These siblings tend to have sharp differences of personality, and their relationships are marked by both noisy quarrels and remarkable acts of personal loyalty.

House Alacapa's fertility was often contrasted with that of Mistral, and the subject of a long frustrating series of failed eugenic projects. Ultimately it was concluded that the House's fertility was tied to Highlun and the old Liff Ruins, and some lingering psychic effect. House Alacapa still contains enough Mistral blood that it is hoped one of its scions will properly revive the line. Alacapa's bloodline has always resisted true harmony with Mistral, though, showing its own quirks and only mildly reinforcing Mistral.

As a Lesser House, Alacapa has always sought out allies among other houses, but resisted all-out allegiance. Alacapa has a notorious mercenary streak, offering its military expertise to other houses and earning its dogged claim to be Barons rather than Viscounts.

Eugenic Legacy

Traits commonly associated with House Alacapa include: High ST, High HT, Penetrating Voice, Luck, Acute Touch, and Appearance (Impressive).

The hidden madness of Alacapa generally manifests as Greed, Bad Temper, Flashbacks (Liff History), Compulsive Behavior (Wanderlust), and Obsession (Vengeance).

Psionic Legacy 

House Alacapa's Psionic legacy is Psychokenesis. While having access to many forms of Psychokenesis, house Alacapa has always had a gift with TK grab. A specialty is the ability to use their sense of touch to feel what they're holding, a skill that has made them amazing mechanics, saboteurs, and discoverers of secret passages.

House Alacapa has access to the standard Psi-wars psychokinesis Abilities, plus access to Sensitive Psychokenesis [4] and Psychokenetic Scan [13] (See Touchy-Feely TK). These additional abilities are considered a distinctive mark of Alacapan Heritage, and reflect the ability to feel around with TK. Sensitive Psychokenesis is much more common, and is often used for subtle sabotage, and amazing mechanical feats. Its also responsible for House Alacapa's minor obsession with secret compartments.

Destinies and Histories

The Prophetic Trailblazer

Kylar Alacapa was a famous scout and soldier during the Middle Alexian Dynasty. Kylar spent most of his life traveling the stars, seeking new routes, and identifying potential enemies of the Alexian dynasty. During active wars, Kylar's fleet served as scouts, probing enemy positions and finding the best routes into enemy territory. During periods of peace, Kylar continued to seek routes through hyperspace, preparing the way for any future conflicts, and he had a knack for getting them right. Kylar spent most his life on the edges of the empire, and eventually died at a ripe old age while investigating potential military routes in the Umbral Rim.

Helen Alacapa was a shrewd diplomat and negotiator who lived during the end of the house wars. She knew her house was not strong enough to win against a great house, but it was also independent, and she worked hard to maintain the balance of power. Helen  was an advocate for peace, but wielded terrible personal prowess, and a willingness to walk into dangerous situations. The war of Houses did not subside during her lifetime, but she is seen as an early advocate of the system that emerged afterwards

The Treacherous Sellsword

Amonik Alacapa was a callous mercenary during the house wars who fought for whoever would pay him the most. Traveling from star to star and war to war, he amassed a great fortune and an army loyal only to him. He had a reputation for abiding strictly (and only) to his contract and exacting painful and brutal revenge on those who did not did not honor their end. His reputation eventually found its way home, and Highlun was occupied and its Baron, his brother Joentil, was killed. Amonik returned home to exact vengence, and destroyed his famous forces in his quest for revenge -- but he achieved it, killing the Grimshaw Duke who slew his brother. Amonik was killed before he was able to leave enemy territory, but his body was returned to his sister Helen.

The Daring Explorer

The archetypal explorer is Jalar Alacapa, the legendary founder of the house. Jalar is said to have searched the galaxy far and wide before bringing the vitkin and apalaks to Highlun. Legends differ on where he got them: some say he brought them from humanities legendary homeworld, other say he made it to the sylvan spiral. Others say the species was always native to Highlun and the tellers are mixing up their stories. Jalar himself gave wildly inconsistent stories about where he was during his journeys. 

The Daring Explorer is a Liar and Story Teller, a discoverer and a keeper of secrets, and free from the oversight of emperors or oracles.


Jalar's Crown: 

Higher Purpose (Keep Secrets), Charisma

An ancient circuit made from fine metal wire, Jalar's crown is an ancient Liff artifact. It is traditionally worn by the Baron of Highlun. 

Helen's Hairpin:

Reputation (Steely Negotiator) +1, Charisma

A long diamondoid spike ostensibly used for fashion, Helen's hairpin is essentially a large dagger. She wore it conspicuously throughout her life, especially when negotiating among constantly shifting alliances.

The Liff Key:

Higher Purpose (Discovery of New Paths and Places), Sensitive Psychokenesis

An ancient gem held on a pendant, the Liff key was given by Jalar to his second son, and has been passed on to descendants not expected to stay near home. It has been with the house on many journeys, but is currently lost.

Amonik's Gauntlet:

Higher Purpose (Vengeance), Reputation (Ruthless Avenger) +1

A Diamondoid Gauntlet with a dark black cast, Amonik Alacapa physically slew his Grimshaw enemy with this gauntlet, boosted by tactile TK. The Gauntlet is only brought out for use when the house feels that it has suffered great wrong, and it is only returned when vengeance has been satisfied.

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