Wesa (Ghostly Brother)[400]

Attributes: [120]

ST 10[0]HP 15 [10]
DX 11[20]Per 13 [0]
IQ 13[60]Will 15 [10]
HT 12[20]FP 12 [0]
basic speed 6 [5]
Move 6 [0]

Disadvantages: [-105]
Poor [-15]
Truthfulness [-5]
Disiplines of Faith (Mysticism) [-10]
Vow (never kill a human) [-10]
Flashbacks (mixes up past life and reality) [-10]
Obsession (rid world of monsters)[-15]
Dread (Excocism, 11 yards) [-20]
Supernatural Features (Cold spot, no shadow) [-10]
Delusion (I am a free spirit consciously created, not a ghost) [-5]
Effected by true faith [0]
Effected by path of undead [0]
sterile [0]

Advantages: [317]
Close to Heaven 2 [10]
True Faith [15]
Contact group (local spirits, supernatural, skill 15, on 9 or lower, somewhat reliable) [10]
Prophetic Dreams [5]
Clerical Investment [5]
Luck  [15]
(bought off bad reputation) [0]
Fearless 2 [4]
Higher Purpose (Hunt Spirits) [5]
Immune to Metabolic hazards [30]
Insubstantial (affect substantial, usually on) [128]
Invisibility (substantial only, switchable) [40]


Exorcism 16 Will+1* [2]
Occultism 13 IQ [2]
Theology (Shamantic) 16 IQ [8]
Esoteric Medicine 12 Per-1 [2]
Public Speaking 13 IQ [2]
Pharmacy (herbal) 12 IQ [2]
Knife 13 DX+2 [4]
Spear 13 DX+2 [8]
Observation 13 Per [2]
Detect Lies 12 Per-1 [4]
Psychology 12 IQ [2]
Bow 11 DX [2]
Throwing 12 DX+1 [2]
Teaching 12 IQ-1 [1]
Fast Talk 12 IQ-1 [1]
Archeology 12 IQ-1 [2]
Animal Handling (Dog) 12 IQ+1 [1]
Hidden Lore (Free Spirits) 14 IQ+1 [4]
Hidden Lore (Restless Dead) 15 IQ+2 [8]
Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes) 13 IQ [2]
Hidden Lore (Vampires) 13 IQ [2]


Wesa is insubstantial and cannot normally carry objects. He can scrounge up to $3,000 in various items that he knows the hiding location of. He also can carry his knife, bow, and medicine pouch in ghostly form, or leave them behind, and appear wearing either modern or ancient clothing.


Wesa is an ancient ghost from the deep past of the american continent. He's has sworn to protect mankind against the monsters that stalk it, and he's had a lot of practice. Being insubstantial 99% of the time has its limitations, but it has its perks as well.

Wesa can reach places no other hunter can undetected, receives prophetic dreams, and consult with a variety of surprisingly nosy ghosts. He can become substantial for just a moment at a critical time and place. He can walk around looking like a true human, and he has decent skills for interviewing. His true faith advantage can tie up a number of enemies in combat, and many even supernatural beings have no way to really stop a ghost.

Wesa is built using the ghost template for monster hunters from pyramid 3/45 page 5.

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