Thursday, April 21, 2016

Monster Hunters: Cononel Rush, Mad Scientist

I was playing around with Collaborative Gamer's Adventure generator using my rules for Monster hunters, and got the following plot idea:


A bunch of previously deathly ill and weak patients at a hospital go berserk, smashing equipment, trying to bite people, and making bestial noises.

The players may have to restrain the patients themselves, or they may arrive after they are all restrained (or dead). Investigation should reveal at least some of the following facts:
  • This is an Zombie Virus
  • Its not infectious, at least not via biting 
  • These symptoms are characteristic of zombies associated with one Colonel Rush, a mad scientist and rouge super soldier who has declared war on 'God'.
  • Colonel Rush seems to create zombies for some unknown purpose
  • One of the medical staff wandering around was faking his identity -- he looks like Colonel Rush
  • Each of the Victims had the same quasi-diagnosed symptoms
  • There was one more victim with the same symptoms -- and she's missing from the hospital
  • Colonel Rush took the girl
Further clues should lead the hunters on a chase to rescue the girl before the colonel dissects her or worse.

The Colonel

Built as a Techie with the criminal lens and the overman power up.
ST 13  HP 17
DX 14  Will 18
IQ 18  Per 18
HT 14 FP 14
Traits:  Injury Tolerance (unliving), Neural Computation Matrix 2, Cerebral-motor multitasking, Enhanced Time Sense, 3 gizmos, High Pain Threshold, Serendipity, Unusual biochemistry
Skills: Inventor!-19, Medic!-18, Tactics - 18, Weird Science- 17, Liquid Projector (Sprayer) -16, Guns (riffle) -16, Saber -13, Throwing-13, Acrobatics-14, Wrestling - 15, Acting-18, Intimidation - 18, Traps-18, Lockpicking-18, Urban Survival -18, Streetwise-18, Forced Entry-15, Driving -14 (and others)

The Colonel is a coward at heart -- this is a rescue and capture mission, not a fight mission. The guy is slippery -- perception rolls are typically all at 23 (ETS gives +5 if time is an issue),  Maneuvering him into a corner requires beating him at tactics, He's not bad in a fight, and he can steal cars, set or disarm traps at the drop of a hat, and he tends to be quite well equipped. Play him as a very prepared foe as well a very intelligent one -- he will always have an exit planned. He's also not afraid to take hostages to trade his way out of a situation.

The Colonel carries several aeresol spray 'bombs', filling an area with a chemical or biological agent. Some of these are duds! others contain nasty chemicals or biological agents. These aren't just thrown, he will also use them in traps. Unless specified, two successful resistances or a failure makes the target immune in the future.

Rage Gas: A biochemical agent that causes madness. Inhaled, HT-4,  10 second onset, failure results in target going berserk for a full minute. This can be used in a crowd to slow down hunters or loose himself in the chaos, but if he wants to hurt them, he'll need to get a champion to fail his HT roll.
Sleep Gas: Inhaled, HT-2, 10 second onset, failure results in unconsciousness
Zombie Spores: Inhaled, HT, 60 second onset, failure results in victim becoming unconscious for 5 minutes and then a slow zombie for 1 hour.
Placebo: Does nothing, but looks different and can be quite useful
Hallucinogens:Skin Contact, HT-4, 20 second onset, Hallucinating
Nerve Gas: Skin Contact, HT-6, no onset, 1d6-2 over six one minute cycles
Death Spores: HT-4, 8+1d*2 minute onset, 1d6 damage per cycle, 10 cycles of one minute

This is not the limit of the list. If you use this adventure feel free to come up with more ideas for his bombs.

Colonel Rush also uses zombies. If he is given an hour with a subject, he can turn them into a fast zombie that obeys his commands. If he is rushed, 10 minutes is sufficient to prepare a slow zombie or a fast zombie that doesn't follow commands at all!

Colonel Rush's file is not hard to get, but you do need to be in the know, and often people don't have time to grab gas masks before heading out to face him.

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